2024 Stranded Assets Produit Rien, Montreal  (solo)

 2021 Pictorial Researches - Stewart Hall Art Gallery, Montréal  (group)

 2020 Salon des Refusés - McBride Contemporain, Montréal  (group)

 2004 Mise en regard Maison de la culture Maisonneuve, Montréal   (group)

 2003 Une traversée de l’imaginaire Maison de la culture Marie-Uguay, Montréal, Québec  (group)

 1999 Stories Wittmann-Lawrence Gallery, Vancouver (solo)

 1999 Introductions 1999 Newzones , Calgary (group)

 1997 Bridgeworks Jennifer Wittmann Gallery, Vancouver 1993  (solo)

 1997 Splash Benefit Auction Arts Umbrella, Vancouver   (group)

 1997 Choice Cuts Jennifer Wittmann Gallery, Vancouver   (group)

 1995 The Constructed Landscape Diane Farris Gallery, Vancouver  (group)

 1993-94 London Life Young Contemporaries 1993 (touring museum group exhibition)

- London Regional Art and Historical Museums, London, Ontario

- Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Fredericton, New Brunswick

- Illingworth-Kerr Gallery Calgary, Alberta

 1993 Art & Environment Arnold Gottlieb Gallery, Toronto    (solo)   

 1993 Genius Loci Centre des arts contemporains du Québec à Montréal  (solo)

 1993 Genius Loci Arnold Gottlieb Gallery, Toronto  (solo)

 1992 Arnold Gottlieb Gallery, Toronto  (solo)

 1992 Complexe du Canal Lachine, Montreal  (group)



Pictorial Researches, 2020, catalogue text Benjamin Klein (PDF)

Pictura: Painting in Montreal's Image, 2020, catalogue text Trevor Kiernander, Benjamin Klein, Leopold Plotek

Art Blueprints, Montreal Mirror, 24 november 1993, Henry Lehmann

Without a Doubt, Hour Magazine, 9 december 1993, Valrie Lamontagne

London Life Young Contemporaries, 1993, catalogue text by Barry Lord

Twelve Under Thirty - The New Figurative Direction, Artfocus, Fall 1994,Barry Lord

The Constructed Landscape, Visually Speaking, Fall 1995, Cecile Steudel

The Constructed Landscape, Preview of the Visual Arts, Fall 1995, Mia Johnson

Fast Forward, Canadian Art, Summer 1999

Cameron Skene - Stories, Vie des arts, summer 1999 by Mia Johnson

More and More of Less and Less, Vie des arts, summer 1999 by David Garneau

Une traversée de l’imaginaire, 2003, catalogue text by Jean de Julio-Paquin


London Life Young Contemporaries Purchase Award 1993

Bourse, Volet II, Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec 1994


London Life Insurance Company, various private collections


2010 - Guest Curator – Dead Cat Bounce, Art Lexis, New York, NY (http://www.artlexis.com/shows/Dead_Cat_Bounce/index.html)

1989 - current - Art Writer, freelance - Montreal Gazette, Canadian Art, Border Crossings, ARTnews, Vie des Arts, various catalogues - for samples click here